Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Your Role in Community Action Month - Guest Column

Your Role in Community Action Month

                  In today’s economy, many people are being forced out of their homes and are unable to pay for the basic necessities we take for granted.  With May being National Community Action Month, you have the opportunity to give back to the organizations that help these people become more self-sufficient.  Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the impact these community action organizations have on their community.  Due to this lack of knowledge, people are unaware of these organizations’ pressing need for additional funding.

               Area IV Agency On Aging and Community Action Programs, for example, is a not-for-profit organization that provides community action services to the counties of Tippecanoe, White, Carroll, and Clinton.  One of the largest problems for our organization is that people misunderstand our source of funding. Because of this, they do not recognize the need for donations.  In a recent survey of 358 local community members, 13 percent believed that all funding was provided by federal and state agencies.  In that same survey, 45 percent believed that United Way funds Area IV Agency.  In truth, United Way does not fund Area IV Agency.  We actually receive 62 percent of our funding from federal agencies and 30 percent from state agencies.  The rest is provided by individual and corporate donations.        

               The lack of support through donations has been an ongoing struggle for us.  Most of the community members who financially support our organization have never needed our services.   This means that our potential supporters have not possibly heard of us or seen what we do.  In 2011, we had 10,231 clients served by our community action programs and 14,482 clients by our aging programs. Many of them, for example, have benefitted from Area IV through our Transitions and Money Management programs.   Programs such as these have a powerful impact on helping people move out of poverty. Currently, we have many volunteers who participate in these two programs and make a difference in the lives of people in need. Without the crucial funds community members provide, we cannot effectively improve the lives of many low-income homeless, disabled, or disadvantaged families in our communities.  

               Many of us have been affected by this economy, and it is important to recognize those who have been affected most.  This is why during National Community Action Month, we are asking everyone to step up and get involved. You can help by becoming a volunteer in our Money Management Program, or even assist in our child’s development process through our Head Start Preschool. Whether in time or money, regardless of the amount, you can still make a difference in the lives of all community members. 

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